Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 3 Food Waste Results

Our third week of weighing food waste at Seneca took place yesterday, and it was another huge success as far as the response we got from the people who came through in the time we were there. And without further ado, here are the results!

This week, during a lunch period that started at 11:30 and ended at 3:00, we had 531 people come through, and the results are:

153.4 pounds of food waste
13 gallons of liquid waste

Here is a picture of this week's table full of untouched food.

The Food Waste Weighing Wednesdays are one part of MAC's effort to be more green, in this case by trying to raise awareness of food waste. Since Seneca is an all you can eat facility, people have the option of taking less food and then going back for more if they want it. Taking more and throwing it away not only wastes the food that was tossed - there is also the fuel usage of shipping the food here, then the fuel to get rid of it, plus the energy that went into preparing the extra servings that weren't eaten.

MAC will be doing more in the upcoming semester to become more environmentally friendly, so look for news, here in the blog, in MOCHA and in your e-mail when we return in January.

And thank you once again, everyone who has come through Seneca in the last three Wednesday lunch periods! You have all been truly gracious, and even better, truly interested in what we were doing. We appreciate that.

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